Frequently Asked Questions - MaasGeluide


Frequently Asked Questions

Maasgeluide is a research project started to foster the dialects in the Limburg region, more specifically - Maastricht and Eijsden dialects. Our goal is for more people to hear and understand what the dialects sound like and for locals or visiting tourists to be able to practice speaking in these dialects. Also, being a research project, most of the data collected from the project goes into research work.
Only registered users are allowed to make recordings of their pronunciations of the sentences.
Due to the use of the MediaRecorder API for recording, the recording functionality will only be possible with Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. Hence, if you are making use of any other browsers, it will be best to make a switch to Firefox or Chrome. If you are experiencing any other technical problems, leave us a messagehere
We respect your privacy, so only YOU and the researchers (for whom permission has been given) can listen to or access your recordings except you choose otherwise and contact us to make it available to be used on our website. At any time you want to delete your recordings, you can do so and it will be deleted from all our storage systems